Gathering Data

Simple web forms have their place... contact forms, intro... but the concept falls down quickly.

What if ?

  • You need data from multiple parties
  • Need the customer/client sign a fixed format form
  • You need a signature, not just acceptance
  • You want to complete the information you know and have your customer complete the rest
  • You want the person submitting the information to be a proven viable contact.
  • These are just a few of the reasons, tradition web forms fail to meet the demands of completing an agreement

xAgreement covers an endless combination of data gathering scenarios

Anonymous or Anonymous to Authenticated

Typical web forms... don't know or prove up the party that is completing the data entry. Having an unproven party can be problematic, it might lead to junk, inability to contact them...

Workflow on the Fly

System to System

External Systems

Such as Google's address, property data, credit reports, Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, any publicly available api and custom interfaces when licensed


Connect multiple or single parties, all parties can progress at their own pace. Copies and access is provided, meeting e-sign and e-delivery laws

Webforms also typically assume free-flow formatting.

Free flow forms i.e. they appear different on different devices and resolutions. This is by far a more mobile device friendly format. But sometimes you just need a fixed format. Paper forms and documents have been around forever. Because of their structure... why reinvent the wheel. Why not have your cake and eat it too.


Fixed Format

Free-form and Fixed Together