Signature Compliance

An e-signature or electronic signature under the ESIGN Act and Uniform Electronic Transactions Act is a means to get consent/approval on electronic documents or forms that is legally binding. It can replace a handwritten signature in virtually any process.

Electronic signatures have the same legal status as handwritten signatures throughout the United States, thanks to the ESIGN Act and the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA).

Components of a valid e-signature.

Signer authentication.

  • With xAgreement, signers’ identities are verified by email verification. Once the recipient digital identity if verified the process is tracked securely and recorded in an audit trail.

Intent and consent

  • xAgreement Shows intent by having signers either add a signature or click to accept the agreement — or both.
  • xAgreement e-sign consent is shown by having signers accept a standard or customized agreement while signing or before opening your document.
  • xAgreements can be printed for signing, whereby letting signers opt out of e-signing with an option to sign by hand.


  • xAgreement provides clear evidence for each transaction so you can prove what document was signed and who signed it
  • Copies of executed documents are automatically stored securely in the participating parties WebBankBox (e-vault) with a tamper-evident seal as certification
  • Every step, including signer authentication, is logged and captured in a secured audit trail